GAAP Documentation : Upload Cash Data

GAAP Setup Overview

From USAS, run the USAEXP/GAAP_EXP - GAAP/GASB34 Data Export option. This program extracts USAS Account information into a tab-delimited file.

This file is intended to be used in the following upload procedure.

From the Setup menu, select Upload Cash Data.

You can enter the file name directly and click Upload, or click on the Browse button to search for the file which contains the cash activity, and then Upload. The No File for Upload button will return you to the Setup menu.

The system will display a file upload status screen that will notify you that the file has been uploaded. It will also display any errors that may have occurred during the process.

  • NOTE - If you receive any errors, you'll need to make corrections and rerun the USAEXP/GAAPEXP program and upload the newly generated file. This file may be uploaded as many times as necessary as it will overwrite the previous upload and cause no problems.

Click on the "Done" button to return to the Setup menu.

To view the imported cash transactions, go to the Cash Journal Report option.

The Maintain Fund Codes option should be used to establish mapping and so forth.

A Mass Mapping of Funds option is also available to expedite this process.

For a more detailed explanation of the cash upload process, see Cash Upload.
