GAAP Documentation : Budgetary Worksheet - Governmental Funds

Trial Balances and Working Papers

Current Entity: Web-GAAP Training School District - 2002

  • Note: You may select multiple funds to report on.

Purpose: This worksheet shows the flow of the cash transactions from the cash journal beginning with the cash transactions, which include manual cash transaction entries and imported cash transactions. Adjustments and Audit Adjustments follow with the total adjusted cash transactions. Current year encumbrances are then accounted for to arrive at the financial statements data. The financial statements columns are used for generating the Budget and Actual statements.

Field Definitions:

  • Fund Type - All of the fund types for Governmental funds.
  • Fund/SCC - The Fund/SCC's are Governmental funds which were imported from the entity's files or added through GAAP Setup.
  • Statement Style - The presentation of the files is either Combining or Combined

Combining - Produces statements at the Fund/SCC level as mapped within Web-GAAP. That is, all SCC's for each fund are rolled into the 0000 SCC for that fund, if that's how the mapping is set. Combined - Combines each Fund/SCC to the corresponding Fund Type. (General, Special Revenue, etc for governmental fund type).

Sample Budgetary Worksheet - Governmental (001-0000)


BudgWKSGov.pdf (application/pdf)
image2021-5-13_13-59-53.png (image/png)
image2021-5-13_14-0-6.png (image/png)