GAAP Documentation : Cash Journal Report

Journal Entry Reports

Sample Cash Journal Report

This sample report uses the following selections.

Help with using the report selection options

Include Fund Categories

  • Governmental Activities
  • Business-Type Activities
  • Fiduciary
  • Proprietary

Include Fund Types

  • General
  • Special Revenue
  • Debt Service
  • Capital Projects
  • Permanent
  • Enterprise Fund
  • Internal Service
  • Private Purpose Trust
  • Investment Trust Fund
  • Pension
  • Agency Fund

Include Trans Type

  • Cash Upload
  • Manual - Cash Transaction
  • Adjustment
  • Audit Adjustment

Note: Cash Transactions are uploaded into the system through the Setup menu. If cash transactions are uploaded, the manual - cash transaction type will not be available in the Cash Journal. Any change to the upload data would need to be entered as an adjustment or an audit adjustment as appropriate. Manual - Cash Transactions are transactions that are hand entered onto this system through the Cash Journal Entry screen.

Sample Cash Journal Entry Report


CashJEReport.pdf (application/pdf)
image2021-5-13_15-7-18.png (image/png)