GAAP Documentation : Cash Upload

Upload Cash Data

The text file generated by USAS (GAAPEXP.TXT) to upload the cash transactions contains two types of records – funds (AF) and cash transactions (CT). There are three types of CT records. Type 1 is the beginning cash and encumbrance balances. Type 2 is the expenditure and current year encumbrance balances. Type 3 is the receipt balances.

The upload process will validate the AF records to ensure the fund numbers are 3 positions with leading zeros and the special cost center numbers are 4 positions with leading zeros. If not, the upload process will return an error message for each AF record not meeting the validation requirements and will not upload the file.

If the funds and/or special cost centers do not exist in the Web-GAAP system prior to the cash upload, the system will create the funds with the information in the input file which includes the fund – special cost center number, description, and fund type from the USAS system. After the cash upload, the Maintain Fund Codes option under Setup should be used to complete the setup process for the funds that were uploaded. The fund type should be reviewed to see if it is still appropriate for reporting under GASB Statement No. 34. Additionally, the mapping, override close to accounts, major fund flag, budget flag, and so forth should be entered as appropriate for each fund and special cost center. If the fund records were entered prior to the upload, the system will not change the fund records as entered previously with the information on the AF records.

The cash transactions are directed to the cash journal (by fund) and are identified as cash upload transactions. The upload will include beginning cash balances along with the receipt records and the expenditures (which have the encumbrances) records. The receipt and expenditure records will bring the original and final budget amounts from USAS.

The cash transactions contain the USAS account number and will be converted to a GAAP account for the modified accrual, governmental restricted net assets, and the full accrual trial balances by a program in the Web-GAAP system.

Additionally, the uploaded amounts will be rounded to the nearest dollar and will be stored in whole dollars. The published statements and trial balances are formatted to report whole dollars rather than dollars and cents. This rounding will allow the user to have all amounts in the Web-GAAP system in whole dollars.

The upload process will validate the CT records to ensure the fund numbers are 3 positions with leading zeros and the special cost center numbers are 4 positions with leading zeros. If not, the upload process will return an error message for each record not meeting the validation requirements and will not upload the file.

The upload process will also validate the CT records to ensure the function, object, and receipt codes are current, valid USAS codes. If not (for example, an obsolete USAS code), the upload process will return an error message for each record not meeting the validation requirements and will not upload the file.

Finally, uploading the GAAPEXP.TXT file again will replace the old file with the new file. It will not duplicate the file.