GAAP Documentation : Setup

GAAP Setup Overview

The GAAP Setup module contains the above options. A brief explanation of each option is below.

The Maintain Fund Codes option allows you to display, modify and delete Fund/SCC's imported from the entity's files or allows Fund/SCC's to be added and/or edited through entry in this menu.

The Fund Code Listing is a report that gives a listing of all of the funds for this entity.

The Maintain Business-Type Internal Service Fund Allocation option allows you to enter or edit the funds and proportions used by the system to allocate any internal service fund with the Internal Service Fund as Business-Type flag set on the Maintain Fund Codes screen.

The Mass Mapping of Funds option allows the mapping of a group of fund-SCCs by selecting the first fund-SCC and the last fund-SCC to be mapped and the fund-SCC to which they are to be mapped.

The Maintain Account Over-rides option allows you to enter a different account description which will override the system default description for that account. This option also allows you to deactivate the account so that this account will not be included in the JE dropdown account menus for your entity.

The Maintain Account Order option allows you to change the order of the accounts within their defined group.

The Generate Account Listing for an Account Group option is a report that gives a listing of all Account Override and Order changes.

The Maintain Department Codes option allows you to display, modify and delete department codes imported from the entity's files or allows department codes to be added and/or edited through this menu.

The Department Code Listing is a report that gives a listing of all of the department codes for this entity.

The Maintain Component Units option allows you to add, modify or delete component units that are to be discretely presented in the entity-wide financial statements.

The Component Unit Listing is a report that gives a listing of all of the component units for the entity.

The Edit Entity Profile module allows you to modify basic identification information about the governmental entity.

The Open a New Fiscal Year option allows the user to open a new fiscal year for their entity. This process will roll the beginning balances and reversing entries forward if the Web-GAAP application has balances for the prior year and entries were flagged to reverse.

The Upload Cash Data option is run to input cash activities for the fiscal year being reported. USAS can generate the export file for import into Web-GAAP for the cash transactions and budgetary data. USAS stands for the state of Ohio supported Uniform School Accounting System. Data from other accounting systems could be entered manually or via the upload program provided the data is first converted to a compatible format using receipt, function and object codes defined within the Web-GAAP application. These can be seen in the cash journal transactions account menu drop down box.

The Copy Prior Year's Manual Cash Transactions to Current Year option allows you to copy prior year's manual cash transactions to the current year.

The Flag Entity's Fiscal Year as Completed option allows the user to flag the fiscal year as completed.

The Upload Fiscal Year's Notes option allows the user to upload statements for the fiscal year being reported.

The Upload Fiscal Year's MD&A option allows the user to upload MD&A for the fiscal year being reported.

The Upload the Reconciliation for the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet to Statement of Net Assets option allows the user to upload this required reconciliation to allow for electronic filing.

The Upload the Reconciliation for the Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances to Statement of Activities option allows the user to upload this required reconciliation to allow for electronic filing.

The Edit Your User Profile option allows you to update your contact information.

The Change Your Password option allows you to change your password for logging onto the Web-GAAP application.