GAAP Documentation : Initial Year Governmental Consolidation Journal

Journal Entry Overview

Purpose: The initial year governmental consolidation journal takes restricted net assets data from the initial year governmental fund trial balances and allows consolidation adjustments to be made. Like the initial year governmental fund entries, these are used for the first fiscal year reporting under the GASB 34 model.

Fund Categories: First select to enter a governmental type entry on the left. A screen similar to the following appears:

This screen allows you to add a new entry, or to find a current entry and modify or delete it.

Data Fields:

  • Entry # - Transaction number assigned by the user. If the user does not enter an entry number the system will generate one.
  • Find - Allows you to search the list by entry number, transaction type, or description and places the result at the top of the list.
  • Transaction Type - The type determines the column on the trial balance for the entry.

Initial Year Capital Asset Ending Balance Initial Year Debt Ending Balance Initial Year I.S. Ending & Internal Service Initial Year Interfund Elimination Other Initial Year Adjustment Initial Year Audit Adjustment

  • Description - General description of the transaction.

Generic Journal Entries

The process of adding a new journal entry or modifying or deleting a current entry is exactly the same for a variety of types of journals. These options are illustrated in detail in the Generic Journal Entry page.

Sample Initial Year Governmental Consolidation Journal Report
