GAAP Documentation : Initial Year Governmental Fund Trial Balance

Initial Year Governmental Fund Trial Balance

Trial Balances and Working Papers

Current Entity: Web-GAAP Training School District - 2002

Purpose: The Initial Year Governmental Fund Trial Balance is only used for the first year on GASB 34 to restate prior year data according to GASB 34 requirements. The last column becomes the first column of the Initial Year Governmental Consolidation Trial Balance.

Initial Year Governmental Consolidation Trial Balance

Field Definitions:

For the first three boxes - Fund Category, Fund Type, and Fund /SCC - the data appearing in the Fund Type and the Fund/SCC boxes will depend on the Fund Category selected in the first box. Examples are shown next.

Fund Category - Governmental

Fund Category - Proprietary

Fund Category - Fiduciary

Statement Style - Options

The presentation of the files is either Combining or Combined. Combining - Produces statements at the Fund level as mapped within Web-GAAP. That is, all SCC's for each fund are rolled into the 0000 SCC for that fund, if that is how the mapping is set. Combined - Combines each Fund/SCC to the corresponding Fund Type. (General, Special Revenue, etc for Governmental fund category).

The Combined and Combining options work slightly differently depending on the trial balance being used. The following illustrate how they work for Governmental funds for this trial balance.

Sample Trial Balance - Combining

For the combining option, all of the special cost centers for a particular fund will be consolidated into the 0000 cost center for that fund. The following selections are used:

Sample Initial Year Governmental Fund Trial Balance - Combining

Sample Trial Balance - Combined

For the combined option, all of the funds and all of the fund/scc's will be combined into the corresponding fund type. For example, for the governmental fund category, data will be combined into General fund, Special Revenue, Debt Service, etc. The following selections are used:

Sample Initial Year Governmental Fund Trial Balance - Combined


ReTrialBal_combining.pdf (application/pdf)
ReTrialBal_combined.pdf (application/pdf)
image2021-5-13_14-2-3.png (image/png)